

大家好以下是我從網站上下載的考古題但是網站上並沒有答案所以想請求經濟學高手告訴我詳解 謝謝1. ( )A subside to the consumer of an item usually leads to (a)an increase in producer surplus and an increase in total economic surplus (b)a decrease in producer surplus and a decrease in total economic surplus (c)a decrease in producer surplus and an increase in total economic surplus (d)an increase in producer surplus and a decrease in total economic surplus2. ( )Which of the following is not an example of the economic waste caused by a price ceiling ? (a)consumer may waste time waiting in line to try to get the product (b)the product may not go to the people who value it the most (c)too little of the good will be produced (d)the marginal benefit to some customers may be less than the marginal cost of producing the good
1 對消費者補貼通常會造成什麼現象?A: (B)補貼會造成需求線右移 並造成無謂損失(DWL)畫圖才能更明確的解釋很抱歉只能跟你解答到這2.下列何者不是價格上限會造成的經濟浪費現象?A:(D)解析:(A): 價格上限通常會訂定一個低於供需模型所決定的均衡價格 所以消費者會因為便宜而造成排隊的現象(B): 因為必須要排隊購買 所以必定會造成有人向隅的情況 也就是說 限量是殘酷 (C): 因為價格太低 所以廠商會不想生產(D): 如果你認為你的邊際效益 會比花錢買這樣東西的邊際成本來的低 那還不如把錢留著(貨幣的邊際效益) 白話一點就是 你手中握有100元的效用是10

但是你買一本雜誌所 得到的效用只有9 那你為何不把100元留著呢? 那不是比較爽嗎!這是我個人的拙見如果有錯還請網友們指教 參考資料 自己


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